Potassium sulfate for gardening

Garden crops with annual cultivation can quickly deplete the land. Therefore, the soil should be enriched with microelements useful both for plants and for humans. To increase productivity and improve your garden, you should use potassium sulfate, this is one of the most important fertilizers. It is suitable for almost all vegetable and garden crops.
Potassium sulfate as a fertilizer is perfect for almost all crops, including fruit and garden crops.
It is used on almost all soils – from sandy and red soils, to floodplain and peat bog soils. Potassium sulfate is also good for chernozems, however, on condition of moderate use. Especially calcareous soils need it, since plants growing under such conditions absorb potassium very hard. But solonetzic soil does not need potassium sulfate, because they have enough natural content of potassium compounds.
Fruit trees must be fertilized with potassium sulfate during planting or transplanting. Fertilizer can be used in spring and autumn, introducing it into the soil around the trunk. This will help not only increase the quantity and quality of fruits, but also increase the frost resistance of trees in winter.
Berry crops respond well to potash fertilizers. Therefore, they are used in the spring, before and during the flowering of berry bushes. Strawberries and strawberries are also fertilized at the time of flowering.
Safety Precautions and Storage of Potassium Sulphate
Potassium sulfate should be stored in a dry place. Packaging must be tightly sealed. If storage conditions are not violated, then it will be possible to use the fertilizer for several years in a row, its useful properties are not lost. In addition, potassium sulfate powder does not have the property of caking, so it will be easy to apply, even after years. Potassium sulfate is non-toxic and non-combustible, therefore its transportation is completely safe.