Potassium sulfate for kailyard

No matter how fertile the soil was originally, it eventually depletes. After all, the owners of private and summer cottages have no opportunity to give her rest. The soil is exploited annually, unless used to reduce the load of crop rotation. Therefore, from time to time, the site must be fertilized so that the plants do not feel discomfort from a lack of nutrition.

The modern market is represented by a wide range of mineral dressings. By purchasing potassium sulfate, vegetable growers can solve the problem with a lack of nutrients in the soil, plants will develop and grow normally, the crop is guaranteed.


Potassium sulfate is  a complex mineral fertilizer used for kailyard plants. It contains in large quantities the element potassium, which is necessary for plants almost throughout the growing season. The use of potassium sulfate is possible in open and protected ground.

Potassium sulfate or potassium fertilizer is a powdery substance of a white or grayish color. If you look closely, it contains many small crystals that do not stick together during storage. They are bitter-sour to taste. Mineral fertilizer is an easily soluble substance, which is very convenient for use.


The composition of the fertilizer Potassium sulfate includes the following components:

  • Potassium – 50%;
  • Sulfur – 18%;
  • Magnesium – 3%;
  • Calcium – 0.4%.


Many gardeners do not use mineral fertilizers on their plots, since they are poorly versed in their properties and role for plant growth and development.

Let’s see what potassium sulfate gives:

  • responsible for the vegetative development of horticultural crops, which is necessary to obtain a rich harvest;
  • stimulates metabolic processes in plants;
  • helps to increase immunity, therefore, plants fed in the fall with potassium sulfate, better tolerate harsh winter conditions;
  • due to improved water circulation, nutrients are quickly absorbed by crops;
  • increases not only soil fertility, but also improves the quality of fruits, in which the content of nutrients and vitamins increases;
  • the use of potassium sulfate as a fertilizer is possible not only for garden crops, but also for indoor plants.

Our ancestors used wood ash to increase the potassium content in the soil. In natural nutrition, in addition to this element, there are other useful substances. Today, wood ash remains in the arsenal of gardeners.

Features of use

Potassium sulfate can be enhanced with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, and urea and chalk cannot be combined.

Potassium from the fertilizer quickly mixes with the soil, and plants absorb it by the root system. But this process is not the same in different soils, for example, in heavy soils with clay, the mineral is not able to penetrate the lower layer, but on sandy and light soils, potassium is absorbed faster due to rapid penetration into the soil. That is why fertilizer is applied closer to the roots.