Proper application of popular complex fertilizers for tomatoes

A number of measures for growing tomatoes include planting, regular but excessive watering, necessary care for the bushes (tying, pinching, pest control, etc.) and fertilization. To get healthy seedlings first, and then strong and healthy fruits, it is necessary to provide the culture with adequate nutrition at all stages of growth. The choice of complex fertilizers for tomatoes depends on the growing season, soil composition, climatic conditions and the obvious signs of deficiency of certain substances.

What is the effect of minerals on culture

Abundant harvest is almost impossible without additional fertilization. Tomatoes absorb nutrients from the soil during fruit growth and ripening, so depleted soil should be regularly enriched with appropriate preparations. Gardeners experiment with mineral and natural fertilizers to find the best complex fertilizer for tomatoes.

Complex formulas have a number of advantages compared to monopreparations:

increase efficiency;
contains several beneficial substances at once;
stimulating the active development of plants;
long-term exposure to culture;
effective in any weather conditions;
available and easy to use;
safe for the environment and people.

In addition to the pros, there are downsides. The use of complex tops for tomatoes requires strict dosing and adherence to safety standards.

Advantages of using complex fertilizers

Complex drugs are called drugs consisting of two beneficial elements. It can be potassium and nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and magnesium, as well as other components. A simple top sheet consists of 2-3 useful substances, a complex set of macro and micronutrients. Agrochemical producers produce complex mineral fertilizers for tomatoes in the form of powders and granules, suspensions and solutions. The drugs are not used ready-made. According to the instructions, they should be diluted with water, and then applied in the chosen way – by irrigation or spraying. The prepared aqueous solution is not stored, but is used on the day of its preparation.

The most effective are complex fertilizers for tomatoes, which contain biostimulants. They increase the resistance of tomatoes to extreme temperatures, stress, pests and diseases.

Proven growth promoters

Growth growth is a preparation for the treatment of seeds. They contain biostimulants and phytohormones that stimulate embryos and improve seed germination. Thanks to the activators, the seedlings will be healthy and strong. The most popular tools:

“Zircon”. Supports the development and growth of culture at the cellular level, normalizes metabolism, protects against stress, heavy metals and radionuclides. The acids in it kill pathogenic microbes and fungi. Available in ampoules. The working solution is prepared from 1 ml of fertilizer and 1 liter of water. The seeds are soaked in liquid, left for 15 hours. They are then washed in running water, laid on a cloth to dry, and prepared for planting.
Humates. This is a complex fertilizer for tomatoes, which is the result of organic decomposition. It looks like a brown or black mass, which can be sold in the form of solutions. The most popular is potassium humate, which has a neutral reaction. This fertilizer improves seed germination, germinating plants germinate quickly. Sodium gum has similar properties. In addition, it increases resistance to stress. To treat the seeds, 5 g of gum is diluted in 10 liters of water. The liquid is heated to 50 ° C, the seeds are moistened and left for 24 hours. The liquid is then drained and dropped into the material.
Epin is a complex of synthetic phytohormones that strengthen crops and stimulate their growth. After such feeding the seedlings are not afraid of cold weather, drought and disease. Take 2 drops of the drug for 100 ml of water. The seeds are soaked in the solution for 6 hours. For future spraying, 8 drops of the drug should be diluted in 1 liter of water.
Effective traditional fertilizers

The composition of traditional complex fertilizers for tomatoes contains the main ingredients – NPK in different concentrations. Preparations with high nitrogen content before flowering are used, during fruiting – the predominance of phosphorus and potassium. Effective and approved drugs include:

Ammofos. It contains 52% phosphorus and 12% nitrogen. Easily absorbed by the plant. No ballast. Available in white granules with a diameter of 5 mm. Stimulates root growth, improves crop quality. The drug is absorbed into the corridors to a depth of 6 cm Dosage: 30 g per 1 m2.
Ammofoska. A complex fertilizer for tomatoes without chlorine, sodium, nitrates and other harmful components. It contains 15% phosphorus and potassium, 14% sulfur and 12% nitrogen. Suitable for fertilizing any soil. Dilute to 50 g per 10 liters of water.
Diammofosk. Pink or red grains with a diameter of 6 mm. Contains 20% phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. It decomposes in the soil and is quickly absorbed by plants. Application rate: 30 g per 1 m2.
Nitroammophos. A popular complex mineral fertilizer for tomatoes and sweet peppers. Available in the form of gray granules. Contains basic NPK complex at various concentrations. The most popular option is 16:16:16, but there are 20: 4:20, 10:26:26, 20:10:10 and others. Application rate: 20 g per 1 m2 for irrigation and 1 tbsp. l. 10 liters of water for spraying.
The best dress from the new generation preparations

Modern modern fertilizers for tomatoes are produced in the most digestible forms for plants. The following compositions improve growth and productivity and have a positive effect on the quality of agricultural products. The most popular complex dressing for tomatoes:

“Kemira Universal”. Suitable for greenhouses and open ground. Contains NPK, calcium, copper, selenium, manganese. No chlorine. Stimulates growth, increases efficiency. Dissolves quickly in water. Application rate – 20 g per 1 liter of water.
“Crystal”. It contains substances in chelated form – NPK and manganese. Completely absorbed, no phosphates, nitrates and other ballasts remain in the soil. Top dressing is applied every 2 weeks, if the bushes are depressed – after 10 days. Norm: 20 g per 10 liters of water for irrigation or 10 g per bucket of water for sprinkling.
“Master Valagro.” Italian fertilizers. No ballast, soluble in water. Recommended for dry areas and poor soils. Available in solid and liquid form. Contains NPK and magnesium. Under normal growth conditions, the ratio of 20: 5:20 is appropriate, and to improve product quality – 10:18:32. Dilute 30 g of the drug in a bucket of water.
“The Red Giant.” Local fertilizer for loamy soils. Crystals up to 2 mm contain 16% potassium, 14% phosphorus and 12% nitrogen. Application rate: 60 g per 1 m2 area or 5 g per well. Top dressing is repeated after 2 weeks.
“Decision.” Chlorine-free mineral complex. Used for watering and spraying from April to September. Contains NPK, magnesium and other beneficial trace elements. For irrigation, 40 g of the drug should be diluted in 10 l of water, for spraying – 20 g for the same volume.

The listed drugs are used at all stages of development, from seed preparation to feeding adult shrubs. Complex care increases efficiency, improves the quality and appearance of tomatoes.
