Potassium fertilizers

Potassium fertilizers are a type of mineral fertilizer designed to meet the potassium needs of plants. They are usually added in the form of water-soluble salts, sometimes with other compounds containing potassium in a form that allows the plant to be consumed.

The importance of potassium fertilizers is determined by the importance of potassium for mineral nutrition of plants. Along with phosphorus and nitrogen, this chemical element is a necessary part of the life of plant organisms, if the first two are presented as an integral part of organic compounds, then potassium is present in the cell stem and cytoplasm.

Potassium fertilizers stabilize metabolism in plant cells, normalize water balance, which allows the flora to better tolerate the lack of moisture, making full use of the amount in the soil.

Competent use of potassium fertilizer increases the resistance of plants to adverse factors, and inexperienced use can lead to unpleasant consequences. Potassiums fertilizer There are two types of potassium-based fertilizer: chloride and sulfate. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.
