Potassium sulfate for tomatoes

Tomatoes are a rather picky vegetable crop, which requires proper care and the application of various top dressings and fertilizers. One of them is potassium – K2O. It helps plants to take root and grow faster, improves fruit storage.

Why use potash top dressing

Potassium for tomatoes – top dressing, which must be applied already at the seedling stage for:

  • The growth and development of the root system, stems, leaves, ovaries.
  • Rooting a plant after transplantation.
  • Increasing the content of essential substances in fruits.
  • Timely ripening.
  • Protection against various diseases of a bacterial nature.
  • Exposure by plants to variable weather conditions.
  • Improvement in taste.

Note! If you do not use potassium for seedlings, then the tomatoes will be sour.

Potassium deficiency

You should know and pay attention to the symptoms of potassium deficiency in tomatoes in order to take timely measures to prevent problems.

Clear signs of a lack of this compound in tomatoes are as follows:

  • Change of leaves – the appearance of dry edges, first light, then brown.
  • The spread of leaf drying around the perimeter.
  • Not enough ovary formation.
  • Uneven ripening of vegetables.
  • Presence of unripe spots on the fruit of the stalk.

The appearance of such signs indicates a lack of the necessary trace element for plants and the need for potash fertilizers.

How to use potassium for tomatoes

It is necessary to adhere to the instructions, which indicate the dosage and frequency of use, as well as the possible method of application:

  • In dry form. Fertilizer is thrown into the soil when digging or already into the prepared soil.
  • When dissolved in water, it is applied under the root of the plant when it is watered.
  • In the form of off-root recharge. This method is applied by spraying and processing fruits and foliage.

To properly feed the tomatoes, you need to do at least four root dressings:

  • after transplanting seedlings into the garden;
  • before flowering;
  • with the formation of the first ovaries and flowering;
  • during the ripening period.

Tomatoes need to be fed more often in the greenhouse, since the elements necessary for the plant are absorbed faster, due to increased humidity and poor lighting.